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How Well Do You Manage Your Anger?

There is nothing wrong with feeling angry from time to time.  After all, you wouldn't be human if you didn't experience the full range of emotions, including anger. 

However, anger is one emotion that we need to be in full control of, because when our anger gets out of control, it can be extremely damaging to both our interpersonal relationships and our peace of mind. 

Take the following test to find out just how well you manage your feelings of anger.  When you have completed the quiz and have gotten your own results, be sure to guess what your friends' and family's results will be in the spaces provided. Then this fun, free, informative test will automatically be sent to them and, after they take it, you'll find out if your guess was right or wrong!

For each of the ten questions below, choose the answer that is closest to your correct answer:


Your mother-in-law criticizes your parenting techniques for the umpteenth time.  You react by:



Slamming your fist on the table and telling her you just can't take it anymore



Gritting your teeth and bearing it (yet again)



Gathering your wits about you before trying to have a calm, rational discussion with her


Viewing an upsetting television news story about children in developing countries dying needlessly of treatable diseases causes you to:



Clench your fists and then sob uncontrollably



Rant to your spouse about this and other world crises



Try to do something about it, however small, such as finding charitable organizations addressing this particular problem


You are walking across the parking lot to your car with a dozen eggs in your bag when an absent-minded fellow pedestrian crashes right into you, causing all of the eggs to fall to the ground and break. You react by:  



Stomping your feet and swearing at the person



Holding your anger inside, where it builds up and later gives you a bad stomach ache



Trying to stay calm, possibly distracting yourself with a pleasant thought if necessary, until you slowly regain your sense of what's really important


Even though she knows how much you despise gossip, your friend starts to tell you someting unpleasant about another friend that the two of you have in common.  You react by:



Ignoring her comments before changing the subject



Calling her on it in a polite but firm tone, and then reminding her that you are not a fan of gossip



Giving her a long, cold stare before harshly telling her to shut her mouth


One of your co-workers receives a promotion before you do, even though you have been with the company longer.  You react by:



Calmly asking your boss for an explanation



Complaining to a co-worker or friend



Shoving everything off your desk in a fit of fury


Your significant other has assured you over a dozen times that he/she will fix the broken front gate, but it STILL isn't done.  You react by:



Appealing to his or her sense of "house pride," such as by issuing a reminder your dinner party is coming up soon



Shrieking at him or her at the top of your lungs



Saying nothing, but then isolating yourself in a separate room


A neighbor starts badmouthing another neighbor who you are also friendly acquaintances with.  You:



Start avoiding the gossipy neighbor as much as possible



Confront the neighbor calmly about his negative behavior and ask him to stop



Listen to him spewing his negativity, so as not to "rock the boat" (while internally berating yourself for not speaking up)


Your teenage daughter borrows your laptop computer and ends up damaging it (for the second time this month).  Your reaction is to:



View it as a chance to teach her about responsibility; she will have one more chance to use it, but if she breaks it again, she will have to pay for the next repair job



Dramatically grab the laptop away from her and shout that she will never be able to use it again



Sigh heavily and leave the room


Your brother (who always asks you to watch his kids, but never returns the favor) requests your babysitting services once again, causing you to:



Blow your stack



Avoid his calls



Confront him directly about his behavior and tell him he needs to reciprocate in kind


You are a nurse in a big hospital, and you have covered for other people for the last four nights in a row.  A fifth person (not knowing about the others) now makes this same request of you, causing you to:



Burst into tears and run out of the room



Agree to it, but then feel furious at yourself later



Explain the situation and say it's just not possible right now