The World’s Biggest, Baddest Bugs
Giant bugs are the subject of many science fiction movies and, possibly, your nightmares, but the gigantic bugs recently posted by are 100% real!
We bet you’ve never seen bugs like these before (and are probably very glad you never did!)
Belostomatidae, or giant water bugs, range from 2-12 cm in length! Their saliva is capable of liquefying muscle tissue, and in Thailand they’re considered a delicacy.
The Atlas Moth is found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. Their wingspan can be up to a foot long!
Giant Camel Spiders are found in Middle Eastern deserts and can become as large as 10 inches.
Giant walking stick bugs are all female and capable of reproducing on their own. Some people are known to actually keep them as pets!
Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing butterflies are the largest in the world. They can have wingspans of 14 inches and a body length of 3-4 inches.
Goliath beetles are very heavy insects that sound like a toy helicopter when in flight.
Giant weta live on small islands and can weight more than 70 grams. They’re one of the heaviest insects in the world!
Giant Isopods are actually crustaceans, not insects, that live in the sea. They’ve been around, largely unchanged, for 160 million years!
SixWise Says ...
Don’t let this happen to YOU: “Man Gets Eaten Alive by Bot Fly Larva!”
Warning: The video above contains graphic
material not suitable for squeamish eyes!
Recommended Reading
Carlsbad Caverns ... World's Most Amazing Cave?
Bugs that Bite: Interesting Facts & Necessary Precautions on the Insects That Crave You
Insect Repellent Myths Revealed: Which Insect Repellants Really Work and Which are Toxic?
11 Really Bad Bug Bites to Avoid, Why Insects Crave You and How to Fight Back!
Sources April 12, 2010