101 Most-Read SixWise Articles in Past Decade
by www.SixWise.com
What an amazing decade.
Much, if not most, of the mass media has again focused on celebrities and other topics that are often meaningless to our day to day lives -- or worse has not shared in-depth insights necessary to get the real truth and facts about important issues.
The following articles are what you and other subscribers of SixWise.com felt were most important and imperative. They’re the articles that YOU read most and raised to the top. These are the TOP ARTICLES of the PAST DECADE … the ones that mattered most to you!
Thank you!
The 101 Most-Read SixWise.com Articles of the Last Decade
Plus Bonus Articles Including Predictions for the New Year!

From the swine flu to financial and relationship topics, we have addressed many of the most personal and relevant issues for most of our subscribers. We have had a nearly 90% open rate of nearly all our subscribers reading one or more articles every week this past year!
Your interests drive what topics we focus on, so if you want to read it, we commit to developing related categories of articles for you each week.
We suspect you may even find a few articles of interest and value below that you missed these past years and can read now.
Do please skim all the way to the end before stopping, as there are nearly guaranteed topics of interest near the end as well as a smattering throughout… likely several relevant to your interests or needs today.
We hope you ENJOY this categorized recap of 101 articles from the past decade as much as we did in bringing them all to you!
Health Hazards at Home and at Work (ways wiser)
Hazardous toxins plus bacteria were identified throughout homes and work places, threatening your health and the health of loved ones:
10) Can Your Kitchen Sponge Make You Sick? This and Other Germy Questions Answered
9) “How NOT to Clean Your House”: Five Things You Should Definitely Avoid
8) All Soap is Not Created Equal: The Health and Beauty Benefits of Natural Vs. Synthetic Soap

Just Wait Till
You Find Out
What's ON Your
Shower Curtain!
7) Your Office is a Top Source of Illness-Causing Germs to You!
6) The Danger Is Not Behind Your Shower Curtain - It's On It
5) Air Pollution (both inside and out) Puts 2 Million Americans at Risk of Cancer, EPA Says
4) Eight Low-Cost Ways to Give Your Home a Facelift
3) Why You should be Worried About Chinese drywall? What it Is, and Why Thousands of Homeowners’ Health May be at Risk
2) Healthy Home … Everything You Need to Know to Get Your Home Spring Clean, Fresh and Healthy
1) Ever had Water or Flooding Problems: How to Best Prepare Your Home for It, and How to Respond to It If Floods Have Already Hit
TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET THREATS that you can evade and avoid
One story after another comes out in the news about the Internet and technology advancements nearly daily. However, few share the concerns, hazards or health benefits. You and or other subscribers have shown the greatest interest by reading our following articles over the past several years:
#10 Internet Safety for Kids: Seven Signs Your Child May be at Risk
#9 The World's #1 Internet Threat May Be Robbing Your Identity Right Now
#8 Is Your Social Security Number at Risk?
#7 Don't Get Caught by Phishing Scams on the Internet!
#6 Tsunami Scams: How to Avoid the Multiple Tsunami Scams on the Internet
#5 The Surprising Health Benefits of the Internet
#4 The Danger of E-Cards to be aware of before You Open E-Greeting Cards!
#3 The Little-Known Danger of Computer Printers ... and of Other Common Office Machines
#2 Driving While Texting: How Dangerous is it … and is it Illegal?
#1 Should This Video be Used to Stop Teens From Driving While Texting? Sixwise.com Readers Respond!
Fashion FORWARD, Renewed or Backward?
We have had very few fashion related articles in SixWise Newsletters as they there has been limited interest. This one did have the largest amount of interest in the category:
It's the Ties that Blind: Four Necktie Risks & the Nine Classiest Ties
For YOUR Better Health (10 ways wiser)
Your health is in your hands, and SixWise readers have loved reading about the numerous ways they can increase their inner and outer well-being! In the past decade we’ve covered everything from age-related weight gain to lowering your Alzheimer’s risks, and a little of everything in between!
#15 The Missing Link to Your Preventive Healthcare
#14 Is it Better to Exercise to Music?
#13 Five Reasons Why People Don’t Heal
#12 Nine Important Stretches if You Work at a Desk Much of the Day
#11 Back Pain: The Seven Most Common Sources of It and Natural Steps to Remedy It
#10 Ten Edible Plants to Look for if You are Ever Lost in the Wild Based on the number of subscribers who opened and read this article we can only assume there are a lot of hikers or belief there is potential need soon to run for the hills!
#9 Need More Sleep: How a Faulty Circadian Rhythm Negatively Impacts Your Health (and What to Do to Make It Right)
#8 Can You “Catch” Obesity? Experts Weigh in on the Theory That Obesity is Contagious
#7 15 Cities Added to EPA’s “Sooty Air List”: Is Yours on the List? What can you can do to avoid health risks?
#6 How to Lower Your Stroke and Alzheimer’s Risks
#5 Simple Methods to Prevent Age-Related Weight Gain
#4 “Secret Benefits” of Aunt Neti’s Pot … An Ancient VERY Healthy Tradition
#3 Six Ways to Avoid Getting Sick
#2 Is Your Mind Making You Fat … and Worse, Keeping You That Way? The Power of Your Subconscious is #1
#1 Negative Calorie Foods … Is it Possible to Slim Down by Eating More?
YOUR Home SAFTEY and SECURITY (wise ways to PROTECT Yourself)
Feeling safe and secure at home are primal needs that most all of us need to have satisfied, and our articles help you to do just that:
#3 How Burglars Target Which Homes to Rob, and How to Keep Yours Off Their Hit Lists!
#2 The Ten Most Common Poisons Among Kids
#1 What Should Homeowner's Insurance Cover?
DANGEROUS FOOD Health Risks and BEST FOODS “Health Wise”
SixWise readers LOVE food … and more importantly they love to know about foods that can keep them energized, happy and, yes, even sexy! Foods that are better off avoided, and some “health foods” that aren’t also topped the list …
#16 Five Diet Foods That are (Far) Worse Than What They're Replacing
#15 Peanuts: Most are Carcinogenic & Pesticide-Contaminated, But There are Safe Sources!
#14 Honey Works as Good as Cough Syrup: Four Beneficial Uses of Honey
#13 Sweet on Lemons: Seven Reasons to Give Healthy Lemons a Loving Squeeze
#12 How Much Does Calcium Contribute to Weight Loss?
#11 Sweet Potatoes: Essentials You Need to Know About the Super-Nutritious, Super-Delicious Vegetable
#9 Energy Drinks Create “Unhealthy” Increase in Blood Pressure & Heart Rate -- And Pose These Other Risks
#8 Six Foods That Can Help You Fight Menstrual Stress
#8 Four Reasons to Love Leek: The Antioxidant-Rich Super “Voice” Veggie
#7 Soy: Is It Healthy or Not? What the Experts Say
#6 Six Foods to Boost Your Libido, Plus Four Other Surprising Sex Facts
#5 Refined Food Risks: Why They're Like Trying to Keep a Bonfire Going with Toilet Paper
#4 The 10 Healthiest Fruits and Veggies
#3 Can You “Catch” Obesity? Experts Weigh in on the Theory That Obesity is Contagious
#2 20 Foods to Boost Your Mood, Increase Your Energy
#1 Enzymes: Nature’s Virus Fighters
One of Americans’ greatest fears, and how to overcome it…
Fear of Flying: How to Get Over Your Phobia of Flying in an Airplane
PETS and Pet Health WARNINGS
One of the most popular sets of stories to a loyal group of SixWise subscribers has been the repeated interest in topics on pets.
The following articles were among the most read and valued for your furry family members:
Winter Dangers to Your Pet: Don't Let Fido and Fifi Freeze!
Dog Bites, a Shocking U.S. Epidemic (Especially Among Kids): How to Avoid, and What to Do
What’s Really in Your Dog’s Food?
Do You Kiss Your Dog?
"Whine" Flu Shots: Why Heavy Metal Detox is also Important for your Pets
AMAZING Relationships: Things to avoid and others to embrace
Your relationships are the heart of your health and happiness … from friends and family to marriage and romance, these are the topics that mattered to you the most!
#14 20% of High School and College Students Victims of Being Stalked: What to Do If You're Stalked
#13 Imaginary Friends are Perfectly Safe and Even Beneficial for Kids
#12 The Real Friend Test: How to Understand Who Your Real Friends Are
#11 Eight Reasons to Kiss More! (And They’re ALL Great for Your Health!)
#10 Dating After Divorce: How to Look for Love Again
#9 The Nine Grossest Things Other People Do That Can Make You Sick
#8 How to Find Registered Sex Offenders and Child Predators in Your Area
#7 The Healing Power of Touch -- And Seven Ways to Get More of It
$6 The Proven Benefits of Thinking Fast
#5 15 Foreign Customs that Make Most North Americans Blush
#4 Is Swearing Good for You and others? Surprising New Research Sheds Light on Why We Use Profane Language
#3 Increased Romance During the Recession: 10 Very “Low-Cost” Ways to Spice up Your Love Life
#2 10 Ways to Make Your Marriage Last -- Even Get Stronger -- During the Recession
#1 How to be Optimistic, Even if Times are Tough
While our U.S. National Debt is a raging fire in Washington DC, the personal debt is also a burning fire for most people employed and unemployed alike. The two topics that were of primary interest to most readers were creating and protecting financial assets and wealth from the burning fires.
The following were the top-read articles of the decade in this category (we left in a few extras for those who might need and value help in these tough times):
#12 15 Ways to Save Money in the New Year
#11 How to Get Health Insurance if You’re Unemployed
#10 What to Do if You Can’t Pay Your Taxes
#9 Top Ten Ways NOT to Throw Your Money Away
#8 How to Dig Yourself Out of Debt
#7 Want to Stop Overpaying the Government Thousands of Dollars for Good?
#6 The Six Most Recession-Proof Businesses
#5 Unemployment Rates are Skyrocketing: How to Find a Recession-Proof Job You Actually Love
#4 The Right Amount of Money to Give for Weddings, the Right Gift for Funerals & Related Questions
#3 The Seven Challenges of a Family-Run Business
#2 10 Things That are Still Selling … Despite the Economy (career and business considerations)
#1 Want to Start Your Own Business? Here’s What it Takes to be a Successful Entrepreneur
Why “AUTO” Does NOT mean “automatically” safety is built-in
Are you considering buying a used or new car, truck or ATV? These articles raised some Safety factors you might be again interested in:
The Safest and the Most Dangerous Cars and Trucks for 2005
ATV, Snowmobile and Other Motorized Recreation Accidents are On the Rise: The Numbers and Essential
Automobile Back-Over Accidents: How to Avoid a Surprisingly Prevalent & Serious Accident
While Showbiz figures dominated the most-read list of most newspapers and Internet sites, for SixWise we featured the wild and wacky articles that reflected interest as we coined the term INSANE Sports (with nothing derogatory intended):
Papa Holua: Hawaii's Ancient and Insane Downhill Sport Poised for Comeback
The 7 Most Dangerous Youth Sports in America
The Best Surfing Move Ever? (Video)
Sixwise.com Readers Responded! “Was this Freestyle Fishing Video Real or Fake?”
What is the World’s Most Dangerous Sport? (We Bet You’ll NEVER Guess)
Highest Read “INSECT” Article
For “this article” we had to create an entirely new category due to the number of readers that opened and passed along this article:
HOLIDAY HAZARDS: Preemptive Ways to Save plus Cherish & Enjoy
While the forecast for global warming won former Vice President Gore the Nobel Prize (that we never countered or commented upon), we realize many others have questioned global warming due to the many cold snaps, and heavy snow and ice that was greater in many areas most years this decade than ever before … so we instead chose to focus on “less hype” oriented news and hopefully more personal and relevant holiday season topics of interest. The articles that follow were a few that had the highest readership (that also might “still” be of interest this time of year for you).
#3 Holiday Hazards to Children, Pets and You
#2 155,000 Toys Recalled Due to Choking Hazards: What Every Parent Need to Know About Toys and Safety
#1 Holiday Dangers for Those Who Struggle With Binge Eating
Top 10 Health WARNINGS
The greatest health FEARS and WARNINGS began this decade in April 2009 as we saw the H1N1 swine flu emerged from Mexico, then fear spread across the media in the US and to Britain, then throughout the world.

What has been eclipsed and overlooked are many other HEALTH WARNINGS, some that have equal if not many times GREATER relevance for you and your family!
They are listed below in the order of highest readership (lowest to highest) … which for us is admittedly concerning. For example “MRSA” should be near to the top based on health risk and concerns. We will have more articles coming in 2010 on MRSA (with the hope it will have even higher readership) as well as others including swine flu.
We do not discount or suggest that the swine flu is not of high concern or interest. We simply hope that equally or more concerning health issues will be read this coming year for the sake of you and your loved ones.
The following articles had less readership than EACH swine flu article, yet all articles, we believe, were highly important:
#15 Incredibly Dangerous “MRSA Bacteria” Now Killing More People Than AIDS in the USA: Here is How to Avoid It
#14 New Health Study Shows Toxic PAH Air Pollution Leads to Genetic Changes and Asthma -- Starting in the Womb
#13 U.S. Lyme Disease Cases on the Rise: How to Avoid This Dangerous Tick-Borne Illness
#12 “Recession Pounds”: Is the Economy Making You Get Fat?
#11 Are You Tired all the Time? Eight Medical Issues to be Aware Of
#10 “Cosmetic Neurology”: Brain Enhancing -- or Brain Doping -- Drugs the Next Big Things for Academics to Students to Artists
#9 How Many Dangerous Chemicals are in Your Shampoo
#8 New Plants Being Developed That Eat Toxins and Cleanse Polluted Soil ... But What are the Risks?
#7 Heavy Metal Toxicity: Signs and Symptoms That You May be Toxic
#6 The Six Hot Tub Health Risks You Need to be Aware Of
#5 New BPA Research on “Plastic Water Bottles” Reveals Shocking Dangers
#4 Strong Obesity and Cancer Link Now Absolutely Confirmed
#3 Marijuana: The Proven Drawbacks on Your Body
#2 Newly Discovered Air Pollutants Damage Lungs Like Cigarette Smoke: What Can You Do?
#1 The Swine Flu Deception? Vaccination ALERT!
While the above article was the “#1” read of all this past decade, the following had nearly equal readership and interest each surpassing all the other above articles.
H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine has repeatedly been the Top Read Topic of all our articles:
Heart-Wrenching Parental "Shot Dilemma" ...
Dr. Oz's Children Will NOT Be Receiving H1N1 Vaccine! Really!
H1N1 F.U.D. Factor is a Media Wildfire
Which of Dr. Oz’s 15 Swine Flu Recommendations Should You Follow? And are There Any You Should Avoid?
Five Top Swine Flu Myths, Busted!
High Risk H1N1 Swine Flu Factors
H1N1 Vaccine Recall and Severity of Swine Flu Update
Doctor Admits Vaccine is More Deadly than Swine Flu Itself
IMPORTANT: What to Do If You Get or Have “EVER” Gotten Any Vaccination Shot?
A quick look back at the past year and decade from two entertaining perspectives:
Never A Year Like 09 – JibJab
Thank you for the many complements on our predictions that we have received already -- with most comments regarding the fact that our predictions (unlike most others) covered such a wide array of topics. We thank all of you who shared your comments and we together will watch to see what comes to fruition.
Our intention was not to attempt to be “psychics”, but rather to share possible circumstances and basis for those circumstances to allow you the opportunity to consider ways to prepare for the worst and the best of the coming decade.
The only thing we know for certain is that “these predictions are wrong”. What will be interesting is to learn how close to right they are in the coming years:
Top Predictions for 2010 and the New Decade: “psychic” or “psychotic”?
One last bonus article that you might find beneficial if you haven’t already read it:
Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail and How to Set Your Resolutions For Success
Wishing you the best for the coming New Year and Decade!
God Bless You, Your Family and Loved Ones,