Happy New You!
This New Year ... 6 Easy Ways for "How to Renew" You!
by www.SixWise.com
Eating right, exercising more and losing weight are weighing heavy on many as the New Year begins.

2010 can be the New Year for a New You!
According to USA.gov, the nation's official Web portal, six out of 10 New Year’s resolutions this year focused on leading a healthier lifestyle:
Although weight-loss goals and healthy lifestyle resolutions are set with the best intentions, in most cases the expectations are too high and result in a downward spiral of discouragement followed by failure to meet the goals.
It's okay to make New Year's resolutions, but only if you see them not as unbreakable promises to yourself, but as positive statements about possibilities, says Jason Elias, PhD, a staff psychologist at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., on WebMD.com.
"What New Year's resolutions tend to be is a statement of your motivation of your intentions -- like a bit of cheerleading for yourself," he told WebMD. "But the problem with that is that sometimes people set their goals too high, such as 'getting my life back on track,' and those things are way too big to keep track of, to know whether or not you're even making progress on them."
The path to achieving your goals involves setting realistic expectations and practicing patience in attaining your goals.
Six Ways to a Healthy You in the New Year
If your weight-loss resolutions fell flat in past years you can try using these simple and practical weight-loss strategies.
- Make exercise a daily habit
Just like waking up, getting dressed and brushing your teeth, exercise should also be a part of your daily ritual. Once it becomes a mindless habit, you’ll start to do it without thinking twice about it or wondering how it will fit into your schedule. One easy way to get daily exercise is by walking. You don’t need to get in the car to drive to the gym; all you have to do is step out the front door of your home.
A motivating device to add to your walking regime is using a pedometer. Tracking the number of steps you walk each day is a great for goal setting and giving you instant feedback on your workout efforts. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. In addition to walking around your house, you can add up miles by using the stairs instead of the elevators and parking a further distance from the store.
We also highly recommend the unique fitness program SheaNetics, from MySheaNetics.com. It blends ancient and contemporary movements with eastern philosophy, creating a stylized approach to fitness designed to improve the quality of today's western living.
- Avoid fast-food restaurants and keep hydrated with water
Fast-food stops on the go may seem convenient at the time, but in the long run the high fat and calorie-laden fast foods add on the extra pounds you are trying to work off. For a cheap way to give your body a healthy, body-quenching boost, fill up on a glass of water. Reach for a glass of water the next time a temptation comes on for a soda or another alcoholic drink, and if you’re looking for a tasty treat that won’t sabotage your waistline, add in some Mang-O Energy powder from AjmeraIncredibles.com!
How Your Mind May Sabotage Your Weight

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Know your triggers such as watching a DVD, standing or sitting around the snack table at a party or snacking while surfing on the Internet. You can keep these mindless bouts under control by brushing or flossing your teeth, popping a stick of mint gum in your mouth or finding busy work for your hands like making a cup of tea, clearing the table or washing dishes.
- Be patient with your progress and set up a support system
If you fall off the wagon now and then, forgive yourself, move on and get back on track to your goals. Announce your weight-loss goals to close friends and family members and share your successes with them on a regular basis. Making your resolutions publicly accountable will help you stick to them.
- Take your time, track your progress and set short-term goals
If weight loss is your goal, experts recommend setting a goal of losing five to 10 percent of your weight. Be sure to keep track of your progress in a notebook or journal and document and celebrate your successes along the way. Change any weight-sabotaging behaviors from the past to healthier ones by keeping a positive mindset and focusing on all you have to GAIN from your newfound mindset, rather than all you’re giving up.
As you make the switch, we highly recommend using the Pure Relaxation: Guided Meditations for Body, Mind & Spirit CD by respected meditation expert Mary Maddux to help reprogram your unhealthy habits.
The guided meditations and music on this CD calm your mind, soothe your emotions and create a state of deep relaxation in your body. Using these guided meditations regularly will help you to live in a more relaxed way and you'll notice that when you begin to feel stressed or tempted to engage in an unhealthy behavior, you'll be able to relax more easily than before and get back in control.
- Add color to your daily diet
Keep Your Healthy Fruits and Veggies Fresh Longer!

Once you invest in fresh produce for the health of yourself and your family, protect your investment using the MiniMate Refrigerator Unit.
The MiniMate deodorizes (replacing baking soda boxes in the fridge) and kills potentially dangerous food-borne bacteria. This extends the freshness and life of many foods 3 to 4 times longer!
When you go to the produce aisle of the grocery store, pick out different colored produce packed with disease-fighting plant compounds to stock up your fridge. Have fun with your shopping and try color coordinating your produce selection with the day of the week. For example, you could make Mondays your yellow day and purchase bananas, grapefruit, pears or peppers and Tuesdays your purple day and pick out some plums, grapes and eggplant.
Vow to pick up a new fruit or vegetable on your next shopping trip and add a new variety to accompany your lunch or dinner each day. This also means altering your diet to be mainly fresh, whole foods, rather than processed varieties. As you switch over to more fresh foods, we highly recommend you take advantage of the healthy and absolutely delicious recipes in the book “Alive in 5”: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes.
“Alive in 5”: Raw Gourmet Meals in Five Minutes is packed with delicious raw-food recipes that you can make in a snap. These unique dishes, created by acclaimed raw chef Angela Elliott, create an inspiring guide to delicious and healthy living.
When prepared with locally grown ingredients from a source you trust, these are among some of the safest meals you can eat. Because you’ll know what you’re eating is so good for your body and mind, it’ll likely help improve your mood too, making it less likely that you’ll feel like overeating later.
Recommended Reading
How to Lose Weight, Enhance Your Health and Find Well-Being by Nurturing Your Mind and Body
The Best Weight Loss Diets: Which Ones Work and Which are a Waste of Money? (Plus 16 Key Tips to Help Nearly Everyone Slim Down)
If Your Weight is an Issue, This Is (By Far) the Most Important Secret You Should Know
Psychology Today December 2009
WebMD: Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals
WebMD: 5 Diet Resolutions
WebMD: New Year’s Resolutions