Earth Day April 22:
Three Healthier Ways of Saving Money with Less Terra Waste
Every Day of the Year!
The name Earth Day is used for two different dates recognized worldwide annually. Some celebrate Earth Day on or around the time of the vernal equinox, while others observe the occasion on April 22 each year.
No matter what the date, Earth Day is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the natural earth's environmental resources and quality of life we all often take for granted. Earth Day is currently observed in more than 140 countries worldwide.
At SixWise we make every effort every day to research, inform and help raise awareness of ways to both improve your healthy environment and that of our planet.
The following are a few ways you too, starting today, can make major healthier differences in removing toxins from your life, your body and for the planet … truly every day this year and every year hereafter ... while saving yourself money!
1) A BIG Cost-Saving way to STOP adding toxic chemicals to your body and for your family plus for the environment … Replacing Toxic BPA Plastic Water Bottles that cost you over $900 a year with BPA-FREE Water Bottles.
Some, like Wellness Water Bottles, have built in filters that you can use with any tap water to filter out chlorine and other contaminants. Healthier, thousands of dollars in savings, plus no more plastic waste into the environment!
Superior Water, Convenience and Zero Waste: The Wellness H2.O
The Wellness H2.O enhanced water bottle is the next evolution in water technology. Not content with merely replacing wasteful bottled water, the Wellness H2.O combines the best portable filtration technology with rare Japanese stones and a patented enhancement process to produce an unparalleled quality of water.
The ultimate environment product. Eliminates 1,100+ plastic bottles, reduces carbon emissions and conserves natural resources.
Saves you up to $1,000 in bottled water purchases per year.
Only bottle to produce nourishing, better-than-bottled-quality, "enhanced" water without the cost or waste associated with bottled water.
Assures you and your family of safe and healthy water ... no matter where you go.
Order Your Wellness H2.O Now!
Why is BPA -- (a Known Toxin) -- Still Allowed in Your Plastic Bottles and Food Containers? There are easier cost-saving ways to NOT get sick or a disrupt thyroid function caused by BPA. We recommend you today replace Toxic BPA Water Bottles with a Personal Water Filter Bottle that's BPA FREE?!
"A gallon of bottled water can cost you up to $10 which is more than twice the cost of gasoline."
New studies have revealed Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical in Baby Formula and "Drinking Water" plastic bottles. Those same bottles end up in landfills and the ocean leaching into our food supply. New Research Reveals Shocking Dangers, Past Deceptions, and Important Information related to BPA in Your Favorite Foods.
What the FDA, EPA, and Big Corporations DON’T Want You to Know!
BPA Warnings: Diabetes, Liver, and Heart Disease Linked to Everyday Plastics. What's Your Exposure Level?!
Over 93% of population tested had levels of BPA. BPA is known medically to mimic sex hormones and is derived from most all soft flexible plastics. These well known toxins in plastic water bottles and baby bottles cause many illnesses as also CNN reported over a year and a half ago "BPA in Plastic Bottles WARNING"!
We asked and continue to ask why are plastic water bottles and food containers still being sold and allowed to leach into your body and your environment? We hope you too will ask your Congressmen and Senators this important question!
"The Plastic Plague!" National Geographic Report on plastic BPA filling up and leaching in our Oceans, eaten by Fish, birds and getting into our food chain.
GMA too profiled the effects of plastics being 800% more prevalent than plankton getting into fish, birds and our food chain.
When you CLEAN your home, office and car would you like to do it faster, better, and cheaper without toxic cleaners (that otherwise can make you and your loved ones sick)? And without the chemicals that leach into our earth’s water system and environment every day that then get into your food chain? Possibly this currently is nature’s way of saying "right back at you" …
Toxic Cleaners have a full 360-degree impact on us all as they remain on surfaces of whatever we clean and are inhaled and absorbed into our skin.
Although the saying is "nothing’s perfect," we have found that Industrial / Hospital Quality PerfectCLEAN products we now use in our homes are as close to perfect as can be! They eliminate the need for most if not all toxic cleaners we used to use.
Is Your Home Toxic?
There are Five Common Health Dangers in Homes, which we have detailed in a prior article. Click here to learn what they are and What to Do About Them...
3) Air Pollution is as BIG an issue as ever before if not now BIGGER indoors and out!
In the past there were many times more trees (thousands more per human than today) filtering the air naturally. We have increased factory production pollution around the world mostly in countries like China where we in the US can't see the smoke stacks yet the tiny "nano" particles are being carried around the globe and into our homes, schools and offices.
Nano Pollution and Health
Residual Smoke from as "Near" as your home and "Far" as fires thousands of Miles Away resulting in Health Condition Concerns that may worsen soon.
Diesel Fumes Kill 21,000 Americans Yearly, New Study Shows Toxic PAH Air Pollution also Leads to Genetic Changes and Asthma -- Starting in the Womb. Now with new insights and concerns regarding tiny "nano" particles entering your living space ... with awareness comes hope for addressing same with high-quality interior air filters.
Nature’s Air Pollution
Be it fires in California or now volcanic ash as Iceland volcano continues to spew, the experts are saying only the nano (smallest) particles make the journey in the high altitudes throughout the US.

Ragnar Th Sigurdsson /
The Eyjafjallajokull volcano, Iceland, photographed on April 17. In “dirty thunderstorms," scientists believe that static charges are ignited by ice particles, as well as ash and rock fragments from the volcano.

Vilhelm Gunnarsson / EPA
Ooops! Secret’s out as we recently learned the prior little known or stated facts about "nano" particles being the most hazardous to our health. Possibly due to the lack of anything outside that the government can do related to the "nano" smallest particles ... these substances are indoors and out throughout the US!
Record Level Pollen Explosion Air Pollution Making Some Suffer Worse than Ever!
If you suffer from allergies or asthma you likely see spring flowers as one of the biggest natural air pollutants. You might be less inclined to celebrate Earth Day feeling congested!
We know from prior experience that it can be very difficult to breath. Especially this year with record levels of pollen predicted to hit pollen sufferers. We recommend you read this prior week’s SixWise article to get insights and help on why the Pollen Explosion Means Tough Season for Allergy & Asthma Sufferers! And What You Can Do! Plus there are ways to Overcome America’s Most Overlooked Disease: Allergies
Indoor Air Pollution: The Silent Killer
Air Pollution Puts 2 Million Americans at Risk of Cancer, EPA Says!
We question if you simply may not be Getting Enough Fresh Air? Indoor air treatment could be the simplest answer.
Happy Earth Day from all of us at SixWise to all of you! May this day inspire you to live a little cleaner and appreciate a little more of the beauty around you!
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