How to Remove Toxins From Your Home
and Other Natural Cleaning Tips
Most of us are living with an arsenal of dangerous toxic chemicals in our home and don’t even know it. These toxins are widespread in various nooks and crannies of our homes.

Turn your home into your own safe haven by doing a home detox twice a year.
From the paint on our walls, the coat of polyurethane used to finish our floors, glue used to put up wallpaper, the upholstery on our furniture, carpeting and even our mattresses aren’t exempt from harmful toxins.
Where are the Toxins in Your Home?
Some of the most invasive toxins in your home can be found lined up in many under-the-sink cabinets in the form of chemically treated cleaners.
Many conventional cleaning products are packed with harsh cleaning chemicals such as bleach, ammonia and alcohol along with artificial colors and powerful fragrances that can release toxic fumes, causing irritation of the eyes and possible antibiotic resistance due to unnecessary antibacterial compounds in the cleaners.
Another high-toxin area is the basement, a place where tiny mold spores develop and can spread into other living areas of the home. Pesticides are also commonly sprayed in basement cracks and crevasses.
Overexposure to pesticides and toxins can result in damage to the brain and central nervous system, behavior problems, asthma and cancer.
Further, animal studies have linked flame retardants used in household items ranging from electronics to mattresses and upholstered furniture to incidents of cancer, abnormal brain development and hormone problems.
How to Detoxify Your Home
While you may not be able to completely eliminate toxins from your home, you can greatly reduce your exposure to them. The following tips will give you ideas to turn your home into a nearly toxin-free zone.
1. Let the Sunshine In … and Some Fresh Air
A study conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found significantly higher concentrations of 20 different compounds right inside the home, not outdoors. You can keep these compounds outside of your home by:
Whenever possible, open your windows to promote circulation of fresh air in your home
Run your exhaust fans in your bathroom, kitchen and attic for outside ventilation
Invest in an air-circulation system to help circulate the fresh air into the house and get rid of stale air
The PIONAIR Air Treatment System, which highly recommends, can also help to cleanse your indoor air. PIONAIR uses photocatalysis, which is designed to oxidize organic odors, germs, and fungi. The PIONAIR technology creates ultraviolet light rays, safe levels of ozone, and passive negative ions as part of your air treatment. This is not just any old air filter -- it is an air purifier that duplicates Nature's own methods of air cleaning and revitalization.
2. Trade in Your Conventional Cleaners For Non-Toxic Products
If you look closely at the labels of the cleaning products under your sink or in your bathroom, you will find cautions regarding prolonged periods of exposure to the product and warning signs of the potent mix of chemicals. Instead of risking possible skin irritations, breathing problems, dizziness, visual problems and memory impairment by using these cleansers, you can try the below list of natural and safe cleaning alternatives for the high-traffic areas in your house.
Countertops and Sinks: Start by sprinkling some baking soda over your counters then use a damp cloth or sponge and water to scrub off the baking soda.
If you are trying to remove stains, let the baking soda sit on the counter for a longer period of time before scrubbing it off. You can also use this cleaning method on stainless steel sinks, cutting boards, refrigerators and stove tops.
Oven: Throw away your toxic spray oven cleaners that emit dangerous fumes and make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the inside of your oven and let it sit overnight before wiping it clean with a damp cloth.
Porcelain and Tile Surfaces: Make a concoction of baking soda and water and for tough grime areas, add some kosher salt and scrub with a damp sponge or cloth. An alternative to using bleach is mixing two cups of water, three tablespoons of liquid soap and 20-30 drops of tea tree oil.
Mirrors and Windows: Relinquish your need to buy concentrated products like commercial glass cleaners to clean your mirrors and make your own glass cleaner by mixing two tablespoons of white vinegar into a gallon of water. Put the mixture into a spray bottle and use a newspaper to avoid streaking when cleaning mirrors or windows.
If you don’t have time to make your own glass cleaner, highly recommends that you use EnviroRite Clearly Clean Glass & Plexi Cleaner for a natural and safe cleaner that will give your surfaces sparkle without cloudiness or streaks. Plus, you’ll gain the peace of mind of knowing it won’t leave harmful chemical residues behind or release any dangerous fumes.
All the EnviroRite products contain no hazardous ingredients, petrochemicals, perfumes, dyes or animal by-products. These fume-free, vegetable-based cleaners and detergents make easy work of tough jobs. Don't buy into the misconception that earth-friendly, and user-safe means less effective products at double the price of national brands!
When first introduced, alternative cleaning products were not as effective as their petrochemical counterparts. But many years have passed, and health conscious companies like EnviroRite have done their homework.
Many of today's truly "green" cleaners independently test their products to ensure that they are not only user safe and environmentally responsible -- but just as effective without dangerous chemicals! The EnviroRite Glass Cleaner also comes in a convenient and economical 1-gallon refill size.
Helpful Tips to Choose a REAL "Green" Cleaner

There are a number of cleaning products available today that claim to be green -- meaning healthier for you and the environment. Here are some points to consider that will help you determine if the product is really green:
Look for warning words like "Poison" and "Danger" -- Sometimes these words do refer to serious hazards, or they may simply be common sense statements based on the fact that even some natural ingredients can be harmful in large doses.
Ingredients should be listed clearly on the label. Be suspicious of products that don't appear to offer full disclosure of all the ingredients they contain.
When a product uses the term biodegradable -- does that mean in 5 days or 5 years?
Wood Floors: If you’ve replaced your carpeted floors for hardware floors for a more hygienic and less allergic lifestyle you’ll want to keep the shine without using harsh wood-cleaning products. All you need to do is mix equal parts of oil and white vinegar and rub it in thoroughly to bring out the natural grain in your wood floors.
Carpet and Rugs: To remove occasional spills from the carpet pour on some club soda then blot the area with a damp cloth. To deodorize your carpet or rug, sprinkle on some baking soda or cornstarch (approximately one cup per medium-sized room), let sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum the area.
For a ready-to-go cleanser to clean your carpets on a moment’s notice, we highly recommend Enviro-Rite Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner. Like other cleaning agents, typical carpet cleaners contain known cancer-causing agents and many other harsh components linked with various ailments and disorders.
Enviro-Rite Carpet Cleaner is made with a vegetable-based cleaning concentrate with naturally occurring renewable resources, and contains no petrochemicals or added dyes or fragrances.
This truly unique cleaner is specially developed by and for people with allergies, asthma and chemical sensitivities, as it is completely safe and non-toxic.
And for tough stains, Enviro-Rite has an extremely effective non-toxic Spot Lifter. With EnviroRite Spot Lift even the toughest set-in mystery stains can vanish from your carpet and upholstery with no worries of harsh chemicals harming your family, your pets, or your carpet!
3. Indoor Pollutions, a Silent Source of Respiratory Diseases
If you’re looking to repaint some rooms in your house or buy some new furniture for a fresh look, there are some key factors to keep in mind to limit your exposure to indoor toxins. Becoming aware of these toxins is the first step to wellness. The next step is becoming an educated consumer.
Enviro-Rite Non-Toxic Cleaning Line: Safe Cleaning Products for a Healthy Home
Unlike most cleaning solutions on the market that contain harsh detergents, synthetic chemicals and harmful additives, the Enviro-Rite cleaning line is completely safe -- they contain no hazardous ingredients, petrochemicals, perfumes, dyes or animal byproducts.
And, they're incredibly effective for all of your cleaning needs:
Enviro-Rite Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner: Intended for use on both carpet and upholstery, EnviroRite Carpet Cleaner is an excellent vegetable-based cleaning concentrate that replaces all petroleum-based formulations.
Enviro-Rite Dishwashing Liquid: Kitchen Sink Dishwashing Liquid makes quick work of dirty dishes and contains soy's natural moisturizing qualities to make washing dishes smoothing to your hands!
Enviro-Rite Spot Lifter: Spot Lift is an excellent, ready-to-use carpet and upholstery cleaning solution that makes house cleaning easy, effective and hazard-free!
Enviro-Rite Glass & Plexi Cleaner: Clearly Clean is a ready-to-use, high performance cleaning solution made with naturally occurring, renewable ingredients.
Choosing the Right Paint Means More Than Finding the Perfect Color
Most paints and finishes emit toxic gases called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can stay in the home for months to years.
When shopping for paint look for low and zero-VOC paints and avoid spray painting due to the inhalation of toxic fumes and particles. If solvents are needed, use the non-chlorinated kinds such as turpentine, ethanol and acetone. Lead paint can be a serious problem in homes built before 1978 -- the year lead paint was banned. Heavy traces of lead are found in old paint that has started to chip or erode. If you live in an older home, make it a priority to contact your local health department and have a paint chip tested for lead to avoid the possibility of lead poisoning that, if left untreated, can lead to brain damage in developing fetuses and young children.
Look Beyond Comfort and Style When Furniture Shopping
The plywood, pressed wood, particle board and fiberboard used to make most furniture today is generally treated with formaldehyde, a colorless pungent-smelling gas that can cause burning sensations in your eyes, nose and throat and also trigger asthma attacks. It can also give off toxic fumes for up to five years at a time and has been shown to cause cancer in animals and humans.
Your safest bet is to buy furniture made of whole wood, glass metal or chrome and stay away from new furniture treated with polyurethane. For upholstery, stick with wool or cotton over synthetics.
4. Staying on Top of Bacteria, Molds and Other Viruses
Bacteria and molds can breed rapidly in stagnant water in humidifiers, drain pans, ducts or in areas where water can accumulate such as on carpet, ceiling tiles and insulation. Studies have shown that increased exposure to indoor allergens like mold in one’s early years can produce persistent allergic reactions.
Six Ways to Stop the Production of Mold in Your Home
Be sure to have exhaust fans in your kitchens and bathrooms that vent to the outdoors. This will help get rid of moisture that promotes the growth of microorganisms.
Clean your humidifier and change the water daily and frequently clean evaporation trays in air conditioners, dehumidifiers and refrigerators.
Keep your attic and crawl space areas properly ventilated, with humidity levels below 50 percent to prevent the accumulation of moisture in building materials.
Store your firewood supply outside of your home.
Use a dehumidifier during humid weather.
Replace any water-damaged carpeting, building materials and other items from your home.
Recommended Reading
Pesticides Can Linger in Your Kitchen for Decades! What This Means for Your Health, Your Kids and Your Pets
How to Make Sure You Aren't Consuming Pesticides and Herbicides: The 5 Key Steps
Sources How to Make Your House Safer Environmental Illness March 7, 2008
Environmental Protection Agency