Romance During the Recession? 10 Very Low-Cost Ways to Spice up Your Love Life
As the old saying goes, “love conquers all,” and that seems especially true during these tough economic times. According to’s Romance in Recession poll, one in three people feel that financial constraints have brought them and their partner closer together. Further:

Even the simplest moments in life can feel romantic if you have the right attitude (and often simple moments are the very best kind).
- Over half of couples said they’re spending more quality time together due to romantic constraints
- 43 percent said they are spending more intimate time together
- 60 percent agree that financial limitations have not led to increased conflict
- Nearly 20 percent feel their sex lives have improved as a result of the economy
If your finances are tight like they are for many of us, there’s no reason to let romance slip away. Some of the best things in life really are free … and countless others are so low-cost they won’t put a strain on your budget. Here are 10 such ideas to show your significant other how much you care.
- Romance Novel Night. Find a used romance novel at a garage sale, book store, or flea market, and take turns reading it out loud to each other at night (at least the good parts!).
- Go to the Library. While there, pick out several books of sentimental poetry. Later, read them to your partner, or copy some of your favorites onto nice stationary and leave them on your partner’s pillow. Of course, you can also try your hand at writing a love poem of your own.
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- Cook Something from Scratch. Cook them their favorite meal or a tasty desert to satisfy their sweet tooth from Gluten-Free French Desserts and Baked Goods. Have it ready to go when they walk in the door, complete with candles.
- Relieve Their Stress. Give your partner a long massage, then draw a warm bath for them to relax in. Combine this with the Pure Relaxation CD, guided meditations that will calm their mind, soothe their emotions and create a state of deep relaxation in their body.
- Delight Them With Music. Make your partner a CD of "your" songs. Have it playing when they come home.
- Explore Together. When’s the last time you walked hand-in-hand down your town’s Main Street, ducked into a coffee shop for a quick latte and then sat on a park bench to watch the world go by? If you can’t remember, it’s time to refresh your memory.
- Hide Out at a Matinee. Not that we’re advocating you play hooky from work but … if you and your partner can finagle a free afternoon together, going to an inexpensive matinee is a fun way to spend it. And if you see something sentimental and sappy, so much the better.

Take the opportunity to show your partner you love them as much, and as often, as you can.
Linger Under the Covers. Instead of getting up right when the alarm goes off, stay in bed and cuddle for five minutes more.
- Do Something Nice, and Unexpected. Warm up their car if it’s cold outside, bring them lunch at work, or surprise them with a list of reasons you love them. Remember, little things count big time in relationships.
- Get Physical Together. Going for a jog, a long walk or stretching together to Jacques Gauthier's "Stretching Toward a Healthier Life" DVD will make you feel great inside and out.
Recommended Reading
25 Ways to Enjoy Your Life More While Spending Less
Three Simple Strategies for Rekindling the Romance in Your Relationship
Sources Romance in Recession Poll