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Warning: This Video Can Stop Teens From Texting While Driving … But Does it Go Too Far? Please Share Your Thoughts!


WARNING: This video contains very graphic content not suitable for children.

This video, a public service film from the United Kingdom, depicts the tragedies that can occur when teens text while driving. This is a four-minute clip of a 30-minute drama produced and directed by Peter Watkins-Hughes, an award winning former BBC TV producer.

The film is NOT real; although it appears very realistic, it actually involves British actors and other creative talent. The film was made for, and with, the Gwent Police Department and the longer version will be shown at UK schools this year.

While this video is targeted at teens texting while driving, this is an issue that faces all age groups across many continents.

Remember the San Antonio bus driver who plowed into cars at a standstill? Or the deadly Metrolink commuter train crash in Los Angeles, whose engineer was also texting moments before the crash?

Studies from Virginia Tech University show texting while driving increases your risk of getting into an accident by 23 times!

And a study presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies found that teens who sent text messages while using a driving simulator displayed potentially deadly driving skills, including changing their driving speed dramatically, weaving in and out of their lane, and even running over pedestrians.

Though the video is very graphic, it makes its point … and could very well prevent some teens from texting while they’re behind the wheel.

Then again, maybe this type of scare tactic isn’t appropriate, even for teens.

Please Let Us Know What YOU Think!

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*NOTE: Your answer, or an excerpt thereof, may be published in a forthcoming issue of the e-newsletter and on the website. By submitting your answer you authorize this. Please include your name and your city state (or country) location to be included in the publication of select answers!

Recommended Reading

Driving While Texting: How Dangerous is it … and is it Illegal?

Extreme Driving Situation Programs on the Rise in Response to #1 Cause of Teen Death: Teen Driving


KGMB9 News July 28, 2009 May 4, 2009 August 24, 2009

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