21 Photos That Will Make You Smile Big-Time!
by www.SixWise.com
The photos that follow highlight all different aspects of life, from human relationships to the wonders of nature. But they all have one thing in common -- they are sure to put a smile on your face.
Thanks to the subscriber who sent this to us, with a request to share it with all of you!

A reminder to celebrate life each and every day!
Cherish your friends … and hang out together often.

Don’t covet what you cannot have.
Savor the miracles all around you.

Always remember what’s most important in your life.

Be open to seeing life from a variety of different perspectives.

Good things happen when you think outside the box.

Friends can take on many unexpected forms.

Enjoy life one small sip at a time.

Let your creativity have no boundaries.

There’s always tomorrow …

Life is not always fair.

Be grateful for nature in all of its forms.

Be a graceful and fair leader.

Don’t let the weight of the world sit on your shoulders.

Never take freedom for granted.

Take time for plenty of bubble baths.

Share with your fellow creatures.

Dig your way out of tough spots one shovel at a time.

Clouds always have a silver lining.
Pass It On!
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