Cat and Dog Summer Safety: Be Sure to Follow
These 12 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe
by www.SixWise.com
There are nearly 75 million pet dogs, and over 88 million pet cats, in the United States. And come summer, most pet owners are ready to take Fido or Fifi outdoors for a lazy evening walk or game of fetch.

The Humane Society of the United States recommends keeping your cat indoors to keep him safe.
However, as you spend more time outdoors and out and about, it's important to take the following precautions to keep your pets safe.
"Protection from the heat, parasites, car safety, and sterilizing your pet are some of the issues that, while important year-round, need extra attention during the summer months," said Nancy Peterson, issues specialist for the companion animals division of The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).
To Keep Your Pet Safe This Summer …
Limit Time Outdoors. Dogs and cats can only release body heat by panting and through the pads of their feet. Because they have a harder time cooling down than humans, they can easily overheat. Snub-nosed animals (bulldogs, pugs, Persian cats, etc.) are especially susceptible to heatstroke because they have a harder time panting.

Dogs and cats with snub noses are especially susceptible to heat stress and heatstroke.
Adjust Your Exercise Routine. Your dog won't be able to walk as far or as fast when it's hot outside. On extremely hot days, limit exercise to early morning or evening hours. Keep in mind that asphalt can get hot enough to burn your pets' paws. And always give them plenty of water during your walk or anytime they're outdoors.
Be Careful of Sunburn. Pets can get sunburned if they're out in the sun too long. Dogs with light-colored noses and fur are especially susceptible. So if you plan to be outside for a while, put a natural, non-toxic sunscreen on your pet (on his nose, ears, and top of head, especially).
Recognize the Signs of Heat Stress. Heavy panting, rapid pulse, vomiting and lethargy are all danger signs. If you notice any of these, bring your pet inside and apply cool, wet towels. Call your vet immediately.
Watch Out for Poisons. Lawn fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and certain garden plants can be dangerous, even fatal, for pets.
Keep Fleas and Ticks Away Safely With All-Natural "Flea 'n Tick B Gone"
Regular flea and tick control products contain a dangerous mix of pesticides and chemicals that can harm your pet, your environment, and your family.
All-Natural Flea 'n Tick B Gone is an ideal alternative because it's an enzyme-based formula made naturally from plant resources and is truly safe enough to spray directly onto your dog (or horse!). Plus, you can use it as an entirely non-toxic, insect repellant for your backyard. Just mist the area and you're tick- and bug-free for at least three hours!
Flea 'n Tick B Gone is:
- 100% Pesticide Free and Non-Toxic
- Clinically proven to be highly effective
- A Great Value! Eliminates the need for collars, bombs, foggers, powders, etc., and is economically priced
- Can also be used on bedding and pet areas of the home -- Simply lightly spray in these areas
- Reduces vet and medicinal costs
- Can safely be used as a preventive against fleas and ticks: Regular use can naturally break life cycle of fleas
- Controls/Stops other in-home pests like ants, bees, flies and more
- Reduces risk of infections, dermatitis and itching
- Safely removes fleas, ticks, lice and other pests
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Flea 'n Tick B Gone Now!
Be Careful Around Pools and Water. Not all pets can swim, or get out of a pool if they fall in. Pets should not have free access to pool areas; they should use them only when supervised. If you will be visiting a lake or other body of water, you may want to get a doggy life preserver to help keep your pet afloat.
Never Leave Your Pet in a Parked Car. On even slightly warm days, the temperature can soar to dangerous levels inside a car, even if the windows are cracked.
Don't Let Your Pet Hang His Head Out the Car Window. It sounds innocent enough, but debris or an accident could cause injury to your pet. When your pet is in the car, keep him in a crate or secured using a specially designed seatbelt harness for dogs.
Don't Let Your Dog Ride in the Back of a Pick-Up Truck. It is illegal to do so in certain states because the dog could easily be thrown from the truck and injured or even killed.
Protect Your Pet From Fleas and Ticks. Summer is primetime for such parasites, but many flea and tick control products contain dangerous pesticides. Opt for a natural flea and tick repellant -- like Flea 'n Tick B Gone -- that is effective and SAFE for your pet.
Keep Your Cat Indoors. It can be tempting to let your cat outside in the summer, but this increases their risk of getting hit by a car, getting into a fight with another animal or contracting disease.
Make Sure Screens are Secure. As you open your windows to let in the fresh air, make sure the screens are secure. Otherwise, your cat or dog could fall from a window or get loose and run into the street.
Recommended Reading
Rescued Pets: What You Need to Know When Adopting a Rescued Pet
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The Humane Society of the United States
Woman's Day: Summer Pet Safety Guide
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