CoQ10: What You Need to Know About
This Important Nutrient for Your Heart Health
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is used by every cell in your body, and is necessary for the production of cellular energy. In some areas of your body, such as your heart, this conversion of fat and other substances into energy is a life-and-death situation -- one that cannot take place without this vital nutrient.

Your heart beats about 72 times a minute, 24 hours a day, for as long as you live (2.5 billion beats by age 65!) -- are you giving it the nutrients it needs to keep pumping?
CoQ10 is so important to your body's daily functions that it's been the subject of close to 5,000 research studies, which have found CoQ10 to play a role in preventing and/or treating:
Heart-related conditions (including heart attacks, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, angina and more)
Breast cancer
Muscular dystrophy
Gum diseases such as gingivitis
Stomach ulcers
High blood pressure
Help with weight loss
Speeding healing after surgery (especially heart surgery)
CoQ10 may also help to boost your immune system by increasing the strength of your immune cells, and in some studies has been found to slow the shrinkage of the thymus gland (an important immune system organ that produces T-cells for destroying invading germs and viruses). There is the potential for CoQ10 to extend the average lifespan as well, since your thymus typically shrinks dramatically as you age.
Further, CoQ10 is being researched on AIDS and cancer patients, and has already been shown to reverse the suppression of the immune system caused by chemotherapy.
Meanwhile, aside from helping your cells to make energy, CoQ10 functions as an antioxidant, protecting your cells from free radical damage. And since CoQ10 is known to help boost your immune system, this may be why, according to the National Cancer Institute, it may be useful in treating cancer and infections.
Although CoQ10 is found in almost all of your body tissues, the highest amounts are in your heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
Your body manufactures some CoQ10, and you can get small amounts from food such as seafood and organ meats, but it's been suggested that many people do not have enough CoQ10 to adequately protect their heart and blood vessels.
Your Body Makes Less CoQ10 as You Age
Sometime between your 20s and 30s, levels of CoQ10 in your body will begin to decline. Though this is a normal part of aging, your heart is very sensitive to low levels of this nutrient, and low levels of CoQ10 have been linked to a host of heart problems and other illnesses.
One of the more common results of a severe CoQ10 deficiency is congestive heart failure, which basically results because your heart is unable to generate enough energy to maintain circulation in your body.
But aging is only one factor that can decrease your body's production of CoQ10. Others include:
Liver damage (even mild cases)
Eating a low protein and/or strict vegetarian diet
Engaging in strenuous exercise
Genetic abnormalities
Certain health conditions, such as heart muscle conditions and degenerative muscle diseases
Certain medications, including statin cholesterol-lowering drugs, high-blood pressure drugs, and antidepressants
The connection between statin cholesterol drugs and decreased levels of CoQ10 is particularly ironic, as the drugs are prescribed to reduce your risk of heart disease. However, if you don't take a CoQ10 supplement while taking these drugs, you could be raising your risk by way of CoQ10 depletion.

Aging lowers your levels of CoQ10, as does taking statin cholesterol-lowering medications.
Are You Getting Enough CoQ10?
CoQ10 dietary supplements typically contain between 5 to 100 mg of CoQ10. For comparison, you can get up to 10 mg of CoQ10 per day from your diet, and doses used to treat heart conditions typically range from 30 to 100 mg per day.
Keep in mind that most people's diets do not provide much CoQ10, not only because most foods only contain small amounts but also because it must be consumed with folic acid, vitamins C, B12, B6 and trace minerals in order for your body to synthesize it.
For those who would like to get more of this essential nutrient, finding a high-quality supplement is important. As with all supplements, only this will ensure that you are getting the actual amounts and ingredients that are claimed on the label.
UMN Coenzyme Q-10 /
L-Carnitine Support
UMN's Coenzyme Q-10/L-Carnitine Support is a powerful cellular energizer, antioxidant & lipid transporter for maintaining healthy heart, vascular, & immune function.
Support your heart health and immune function with the most bio-available Coenzyme Q-10/ L-Carnitine formula available!
- Coenzyme Q10 (Hydrosoluble) 30 mg
- L-Carnitine (as Fumarate) 250 mg
- Vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 12 mg
- Vitamin E (as acetate, hydrosoluble) 75 IU
Order Now!
While there are likely numerous reputable brands out there, highly recommends United Medical Network's (UMN) Coenzyme Q-10/ L-Carnitine Support.
This formula provides 300%+ higher blood levels of CoQ10 than conventional dosage forms because it is more easily absorbed by your body. In fact, it is impossible to achieve the same blood levels of CoQ10 with conventional supplements.
The CoQ10 in UMN Coenzyme Q-10/ L-Carnitine Support formula is in its active antioxidant form (patent pending).
No other Coenzyme Q10 supplement can claim this.
With UMN Coenzyme Q-10/ L-Carnitine Support formula, you can take lower dosages and fewer pills, therefore reducing the cost of supplementation, and it is the dosage form preferred and recommended by leading physicians and cardiologists.
Find out more about UMN's Coenzyme Q-10/ L-Carnitine Support Now!
Recommended Reading
Magnesium: Why Your Heart is Begging You for More of This Essential Nutrient
Lutein: Are You Getting Enough of This Anti-Aging Antioxidant Powerhouse?
National Cancer Institute
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