Become Santa in an Instant: Know The Perfect Gift for Everyone on Your List (and get Them for No-Cost!)
Make Your Gift-Giving More Valuable, Appreciated … and Inexpensive
If you're searching for the ultimate gift for the women in your life, this year what women most want for the holidays, according to the 2007 Consumer Reports Holiday Shopping Poll, is gift cards.

The gifts they'll cherish most are the ones that come from your heart.
Why do you suppose they're asking for gift cards?
Because 48 percent of women return holiday gifts. For men, it's even worse -- 52 percent return unwanted socks, sweaters and other gifts to the store, according to American Express.
Of course, people return gifts for a variety of reasons -- they don't like it, it doesn't fit, they already have one, they don't need it -- but it always takes away from the true purpose of giving.
"Gift givers want to have the receiver say, 'Wow! How thoughtful and great this is,'" says Richard Feinberg, a researcher with the Purdue University Retail Institute. "A gift that needs to be returned means that some friend or relative must get in the car, find a parking spot, find the store, get in line and deal with an overworked and underpaid employee who has to abide by the rules of the store."
Not to mention that gift cards are expensive. Eight in 10 shoppers are expected to spend an average of $156 purchasing at least one gift card this year, according to the National Retail Federation's annual holiday survey, but many of us will buy more than one.
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Next Sixwise Purchase!
Download any group of personal certificates now, refer a friend, and you'll Receive a Coupon for $20 off a $100 Purchase! Use it toward any of Sixwise's quality items for you, your home, and your family.
And, this year the National Retail Federation estimates that over $26 billion will be spent on gift cards, even though $8 billion worth of gift cards purchased in 2006 went unused.
Forget the Gift Cards: Here's a No-Cost Gift That Your Loved Ones and Family Will Adore
What does the "ultimate" gift mean to you? It should be thoughtful, it should make the person feel good and it should show how much you care. It should not cause you to blow your entire budget, nor should it take you hours battling through crowded malls to find. But it should involve a gift of your time.
The following personal certificates are ideal gifts for your spouse, your parents, your grandparents, your friends and your neighbors. You can give your neighbor a "get out of snow shoveling" free certificate. Give your spouse a free day to play golf while you watch the kids, breakfast in bed for week, or a back massage. Or, if you know your best friend loves your homemade fudge more than anything, give her a certificate for "free homemade fudge for a year."
Men, Here's the Answer You're Looking For: The Perfect Gift for Her
(And it's Guaranteed to Put the Spark Back Into Your Relationship)
Women know what they want most for Christmas: thoughtfulness, care, and a sign of devotion from their partner. Yet as the universe would have it, most men do not realize that a gift of their time would make the woman in their life extremely happy and grateful to be with such a selfless man.
When is the last time you took your sweetheart out for a night on the town or a romantic weekend getaway? Been awhile since you've given her a sensual massage or a free day to do whatever she pleases?
These are the gifts that truly show how you feel, and that will make her feel like the true love of your life.
And guys, you know that when your better half is happy, your holiday will be merry too.
Give Her the Gift She'll Truly Cherish:
A Gift Certificate From Your Heart
Many are fed up with the increasingly prevalent materialistic aspects of the holidays. If you are seeking ways to bring back the real meaning of the holiday season, these certificates are it.
These certificates are perfect for men, women, and even children. Children of all ages often struggle with how they can get and give a meaningful gift from them to you. These certificates allow them to give something that is truly from their heart.
So go ahead. Choose your favorite certificate groups from the list below, or create your own, and you have an instant, no-cost gift that is guaranteed to warm the hearts of everyone on your holiday gift list.
(Not to mention that it's fast too. For those of you who didn't quite plan ahead this year, no one will ever know!)
Simply print the certificate out from your home computer and you have a personalized, instant gift that is truly priceless. For the best results, use a heavy-weight paper and present the certificate wrapped in a box with a bow!
Please pass these unique gift certificates on to all of your friends and loved ones who are also in need of unique and thoughtful (or last-minute!) gifts this season … they'll appreciate that you did!
Group (1) FREE PDF Certificates: Romantic Gifts (21 Certificates)
Sample Gift Certificates

6 Sensual Massages (Enlarge)

Clean the Garage (Enlarge)
Sensual Massage
Dinner and Dancing
Dinner and a Movie
Lets go see a Movie
Romantic Vacation
Pampered Evening
Make a Wish
Romantic Evening at Home
Group (2) FREE PDF Certificates: Gifts From the Kids (22 Certificates)
Clean My Bedroom
Make My Bed
For Mom, Dad, Grandmother OR Grandfather: "MAKE A WISH"
Cook for You
Back Rub for Mom
Back Rub for Dad
Help Clean the House
Dust the Tables
Set the table
Do the Dishes
Baby-sit for Sibling
Creatively Invent Your Own
Group (3) FREE PDF Certificates: Practical Gifts (16 Certificates)

Adding one of the SixWise's Personal Certificates to each gift you already bought will make it both meaningful and personalized. Or, simply wrap up your certificate in a box with a bow for a gift that your loved ones will cherish.
Group (4) FREE PDF Certificates: Financial Gifts (6 Certificates)
Budget Commitment Certificate
College Fund Commitment
Savings Commitment
Organizing Help Needed Please
Insights and help would be most appreciated
Group (5) FREE PDF Certificates: Relaxation and Leisure Gifts (16 Certificates)
Get $20 Off Your
Next Sixwise Purchase!
Download any group of personal certificates now, refer a friend, and you'll Receive a Coupon for $20 off a $100 Purchase! Use it toward any of Sixwise's quality items for you, your home, and your family.
Cruise Vacation
Life's Too Short
Foot Massage
Head & Temples Massage
Dinner and Dancing
Dinner and a Movie
Massage for him
Massage for her
Group (6) FREE PDF Certificates: Family (12 Certificates)

The excitement of a promised vacation can be the best gift for the entire family.
Group (7) FREE PDF Certificates: CoWorkers / Colleagues (12 Certificates)
Humor: Help me out of this tight squeeze please
Humorous Intention: CoWorker Massage Certificate
Help Me Calm the Charge
Go to Bat for me Please
Forgiveness Certificate
Life's Too Short: Let's …
Clean Your Office
Organizing Help
Get Your Free Personal Gift Certificates Now!
Recommended Reading
11 No-Cost Gifts You Can Give Them Right Now (That They'll Love Even More Than Gifts You Pay For!)
The 10 Worst Gift Ideas to Keep in Mind This Holiday Season
American Express
Purdue University November 16, 2006